Newsletter 2 2024

LATEST NEWSLETTER IN ENGLISH/FRANCAIS/ITALIANO   21st  May 2024 Three upcoming workshops: three opportunities to dive into our voices: three moments when voice brings together memory and imagination, past and  future in a present moment   The Voice-a key to...

News spring/summer 2023

NEWSLETTER  1: Kevin Crawford and collaborators SPRING/SUMMER 2023 This spring and summer I am offering a number of workshops all in collaboration with inspiring artists and teachers. Each of these events is varied, in length and content, in form and aim. I do hope to...
News 2 October 2023

News 2 October 2023

NEWSLETTER 2 OCTOBER 2023 (French and Italian version below) The Archives at the Roy Hart International Artistic Centre, Malérargues, FRANCE We are delighted to be able to inform you that the Regional Direction of the French Ministry of Culture has granted a...