Three upcoming workshops: three opportunities to dive into our voices: three moments when voice brings together memory and imagination, past and future in a present moment
The Voice-a key to unlocking creativity ( three places left)
Directed by Kevin Crawford and Chiara Claudi
(La versione Italiana /La version française workshop-the-voice-a-key-to-unlocking-creativity-kevin-crawford-chiara-claudi/ )
Dates: 7-9 June 2024
Content: This intensive workshop opens the many doors of the voice, and lets us explore our creativity and presence through that medium. Chiara Claudi and Kevin Crawford guide us through a series of entry points into the rich seedbed of the voice: its deep resonance with feeling, its potential for expressive authority, its unique role in human relations and communication, and its artistic potential. Within this workshop you will have the opportunity to:
Experience a diversity of warming-up approaches that favour integration between body, breath and sound
Meet your voice as a fundamental source of personal and artistic expression
Focus in small groups on a personal project with each teacher
Exchange perceptions and reflections with participants and faculty
Where: Castiglion Fiorentino(AR) at Nunc Tuscany,Italy
Timetable: 7 June 10-13 and 14.30-17.30, 8 June 10-13 and 14.30-18.30, 9 June 10-13 and 1430-1730
Total: 19 hours
Participants: 10 min-14 max
Cost: 250 euros + 10 euros membership of Nunc Teatro
Languages: Italian and English
Further Information and inscriptions: or
Follow Your Voices ( Two places left)
Directed by Kevin Crawford
(Version Française suivez-vos-voix-50-ans-cairh )
Dates: 25-27 June 2024
Each voice tells a unique story; no two stories are the same. And every voice tells many stories. In this workshop, we will tease out your signature sound, and invite those other voices that also wish to be heard, thus developing the range of sound and timbre. Our approach combines exploration of sound through subtle somatic awakening with dynamic, emotional, and imaginative engagement. Participants gradually introduce text and song to ‘fix’ and weave their particular vocal story, past, present, and future.The workshop will be taught in English and French (with Italian translation if necessary)
Where: CAIRH , Malérargues, 30140 THOIRAS, France
Timetable: 9.30-13.00
Total: 10.5 Hours
Participants: 12 maximum
Cost: 175€ + 30€ membership
Further Information and inscriptions: follow-your-voices-50-years-cairh

(c)Sasa Huzjak
THE PROTEAN VOICE Intensive Workshop – finding Form in Text and Song
with Kevin Crawford and Caroline Boersma, Cellist
(La versione italiana/La version Française workshop-august-2024-a-protean-voice-with-kevin-crawford-and-caroline-boersma/ )
Dates 22-25 August 2024
Content This intensive workshop is a rare opportunity to engage with Kevin Crawford and Caroline Boersma on a profound journey through your own voice and its protean expressiveness. Over the four days of the workshop we will propose several entry points into the very fabric of your voices and from this fabric will emerge form, in text, song and improvisatory sounding. Our aim is not to fix a definitive interpretation but rather to open up new perspectives and favour our skills in metamorphosis: subtle shading and dynamic shifts. Open to all. No prior musical knowledge required. Some experience with the Roy Hart or equivalent traditions may be beneficial.
Where: Teatro Nunc, Via Dante 82 Castiglion Fiorentino (AR) Tuscany Italy
Timetable: 22 August 15-19, 23 and 24 August 10-13 and 1430-1730, 25 August 9-13
Total: 20 hours
Participants: min 8 – max 12
Cost:€200 + 10 euros membership of Nunc Teatro
For further details and please contact: