Workshop Follow Your Voices with Kevin Crawford

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Workshop Follow Your Voices with Kevin Crawford

Roy Hart Theatre

Follow Your Voices ( Two places left)
Directed by Kevin Crawford
(Version Française suivez-vos-voix-50-ans-cairh )
Dates: 25-27 June 2024
Content: Each voice tells a unique story; no two stories are the same. And every voice tells many stories. In this workshop, we will tease out your signature sound, and invite those other voices that also wish to be heard, thus developing the range of sound and timbre. Our approach combines exploration of sound through subtle somatic awakening with dynamic, emotional, and imaginative engagement. Participants gradually introduce text and song to ‘fix’ and weave their particular vocal story, past, present, and future.The workshop will be taught in English and French (with Italian translation if necessary)
Where: CAIRH , Malérargues, 30140 THOIRAS, France
Timetable:  9.30-13.00
Total: 10.5 Hours
Participants: 12 maximum
Cost: 175€ +  30€ membership
Further Information and inscriptions: follow-your-voices-50-years-cairh

Kevin Crawford Bio 2024 English   Kevin Bio Français Web    Kevin Crawford Bio Italiano Web