Bringing Voice Together (Second Online Workshop)

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Bringing Voice Together (Second Online Workshop)

Dates: 11,12,13 June 2021.

Workshop Information

Directed by Kevin Crawford, assisted by Caroline Boersma

Three days to renew and refresh our voices through body memory, imagination and our communicative presence.


This three-day intensive on-line workshop is designed to refresh and re-animate your voice. It includes:
• Somatic-based warm up to enervate and awaken the voice
• Listening and group sensitivity
• One on one exploration and development of personal text and song
• Pathways for expanding vocal quality, timbre and dynamics

Dates: 11,12,13 June

Schedule :
4p.m to 8p.m CEST on the 11th and 12th (10a.m to 2p.m EDT ) and 4p.m to 8.30p.m (10 a.m to 2.30 p.m EDT)

Location: Online
Price: € 200 or $265 ( includes commissions in Italy) 
Participants: 6 minimum, 8 maximum

Please send me a short email to the following address expressing your wish to participate. I will then send you an inscription form and a request to pay a deposit of €50 to secure your place. This will be refunded in case the workshop does not take place.

Please do not hesitate to ask me for any further information about the workshop

For more information on Caroline Boersma see